To multiply fractions, follow these steps:
- Multiply the numerators (top numbers).
- Multiply the denominators (bottom numbers).
- Simplify the fraction if needed.
Here is an example:
Multiply 1/2 by 3/4:
1/2 * 3/4 = (1 * 3) / (2 * 4) = 3/8
You can also multiply fractions by converting them to decimals first. To do this, simply divide the numerator by the denominator. Then, multiply the two decimals and convert the product back to a fraction by multiplying the numerator and denominator by 10 to the power of the number of decimal places in the product.
Here is an example:
Multiply 1/2 by 3/4:
1/2 * 3/4 = 0.5 * 0.75 = 0.375 = 375/1000 = 3/8
No matter which method you use, the final answer should be the same.
Multiplying mixed fractions
To multiply mixed fractions, first convert them to improper fractions. Then, multiply the two improper fractions as usual. Finally, simplify the answer if needed.
Here is an example:
Multiply 1 1/2 by 2 3/4:
1 1/2 = 3/2
2 3/4 = 11/4
3/2 * 11/4 = (3 * 11) / (2 * 4) = 33/8
33/8 = 4 1/8
I hope this helps!